Tuesday 8 January 2019

Salesforce Online Proctored Certification Exam - My Exp & Tips

1. Why do i choose online Proctor option ?

Since i was at my home town and don't have any Kryterion Test center in that location to give onsite proctor.

2. Install Kryterion Sentinel software ?

This installation is must.
Note : This installation option comes only after you register exam as online.

3. Enroll In Biometrics?

Click on the button "Enroll In Biometrics" which will do facial reorganization to verify your identity.

4. Web Cam setup ?

Requires external web cam.I used "Logitech HD Webcam C310".

1.Disable the inbuilt web cam
2.Enable the external web cam
3.Web Cam should be in 45 degree angle,Refer below link for position [Step 2]

5. Web Cam Microphone Testing?

6. Internet Speed Test ?

Click on below link --> Select the host from the below drop down of go button --> Enter "Phoenix" --> Select "Cox-Phoenix" --> Click on Go button

Please double check speed test is successful as per below mentioned condition.

Note : With out this conditions satisfied Sales-force Team will not allow to take the test online.

1 Mbps upload / 1 Mbps download / Jitter should be <50ms (Ping <200ms)

7. How to contact support if any issues?

The support team is very helpful & quick,Enter your details in the mention form and submit.


  1. Hi, Amazing your article you know I'm too lazy to sign up an account just for comment your article. it's really good and helping dude. thanks!
    Jitter Speed Test

  2. The jitter speed test measures connection stability. Low jitter means a smoother experience, while high jitter can cause lag and interruptions. If your jitter is high, consider checking your network or contacting your ISP.

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