Sunday 15 July 2018

Einstein Bot Creation Step By Step

What is Bot ?

A bot (short for "robot") is an automated program that runs over the

Bots are like virtual assistants.

Ex Virtual Assistant [Voice,Text Based]: 
Alexa, Siri,Cortana, Google Assistant, Slack, WeChat, Kik, Facebook Messenger, Telegram,Xiaoice

Some bots run automatically, while others only execute commands when they receive specific input.

What  is the current & future news on Bots?

Bots are becoming the main interface between humans and machines,

Conversational interface is future. That can be seen within few years.

Many apps are struggling to get into Mobile / Tabs ,Future is Bots.

Use case for Bots ?

Customer Service Industry,

In this area we can see lot of routine/repeated request from different customers.
Automating this with Bots help in providing better service which improves performance & save’s lot of money.

Name few Bot frameworks ?

  • Microsoft Bot Framework
  • IBM Watson
  • Einstein Bot Framework

Explain Einstein Bot Framework ?

Salesforce believes AI will bring tremendous value to business and wants to make its AI powered platform easily available: through point and clicks, declarative, no code.

Ex: chatbot

What is Chatbot ?

A Chabot, in general, is a service that is powered by predefined business rules, scripts and artificial intelligence through a conversational interface.

What is Einstein Bot builder?

The Einstein Bot Builder is the new point-and-click setup tool that allows us to build dialog in a bot. 

Steps to create & Successful train Bots?

Step 1 :

Switch to lightning experience  --> Service --> Service Cloud Einstein --> Einstein  Bots --> Select to turn on 

Step 2 :

Once the Einstein Bots are turned on,It will trigger an email to your registered mail id to link your Salesforce Einstein Platform Services account to a certificate in your Salesforce Org.

 After creating certificate from the mail click on the select a Salesforce Certificate,It will redirect to below screen,Select the created certificate

Step 3 :
Create new Bot 

Create new dialogues intents : 

Step 4 :Go to Overview and click on Train Bot,It will change the status from New --> Queued --> Success / Failure

Step 5 :This is to enable Bot to Snap-In Chat,Click Set up Snap-In Chat

Step 6: Verify the activated Bot is configured in "Chat Buttons and Automated Invitations 

Step 7 :Preview the Bot connectivity,It's important to fill Pre-chat info (Or) Change the Snap-in to the basic scenario

Step 7 :Finally submit and it will connect to Bot instead of any live agent

Step 8: Place this chat button in any Site / Community 

Finally Successfully created,trained and connected a Bot :)

Thursday 5 July 2018

Automate Masking Sensitive Data In A Sandbox

Explain what is  Data Masking ?

Data masking replaces real data with functional fictitious data so that it can be used safely in situations where actual data is not needed.

Use Case :  

Our organization holds lots of sensitive data, specifically in the Account/Contact objects. We also use multi sandboxes for development, and as a security step, would like to mask (de-sensitive) selected fields once we have refreshed our sandboxes from production.  This refresh task would likely take place at regular intervals.

Ex: Email Id/Phone / Mobile / etc

Name few tools to perform data masking? 

  • Informatica Cloud Test Data Management
  • Dataloader
  • Workbench

Problem statement using above mentioned tools ?

Manual process involved,
Using the data loader, you can mass update the records to remove any sensitive data. This is a manual process though, and it will need to be done each time the sandboxes are refreshed.

Can you provide the different solutions to make this task automated?

      1.Field Level Encryption: Applying the field level encryption to the sensitive fields in production, so that the fields would remain masked in the sandbox.

Note: There are some limitations of this
Ex: You can’t use the encrypted fields in SOQL “where/order” clauses

2.Vendor appexchange solution :
Ex:  OwnBackup
Note : Paid one

3.SandboxPostCopyInterface : To make your sandbox environment business ready, automate data manipulation or business logic tasks. Extend this interface and add methods to perform post-copy tasks, then specify the class during sandbox creation.

Note : I can say,This option is the best solution 

How to automate data masking using "SandboxPostCopyInterface"?

Step 1 :  Create an Apex class that implements SandboxPostCopy

Step 2 :  At sandbox creation, Specify above Apex class as per below image