Friday 24 July 2020

LWC VS Aura Component

Design question LWC / Aura Components?

To answer in simple words LWC is future,So any new implementations should go with LWC , There is no question of Aura will be supported or not ,Absolutely Aura is not going anywhere But all future innovation will be in LWC,So its better to start adopting LWC. LWC still does not support few of the features in those use cases. Aura components will be the alternate option.
LWC Supported & Unsupported Experiences And Tools

LWC(Lightning Web Components) VS Aura ?

LWC Aura
Introduction :
Lightning Web Components,
It is a new programming model built on modern web standards.
Aura framework built using both HTML and Javascript in 2014 to extend the limited features that web standards offered.
Standards :
More standards,less proprietary Less standards,More proprietary
Use Case :
Lightning Web Components are the future.
  1. For SPA(Single Page Applications) this is the best design use case.
  2. If any performance issues with Aura,Migrate to LWC for performance boosting.
Currently where LWC not supports feature need to go with Aura,

Aura :
Lightning Components provide “a single, integrated framework for developers to create rich, responsive applications that could be seamlessly “plugged in” anywhere in the UI.”
Performance :
Because using the native browser instead of javascript framework & Native DOM support.
Because using the javascript framework ,Browser downloads javascript and parses ,compiles and splits DOM objects,Split CSS and finally renders on the screen.This process takes time.
Security :
Lightning Web Components demonstrate better security as they add CSS isolation, script isolation, DOM isolation, and a more limited event scope. Will allow the access of child component's.
Unit Test Framework :
Lightning Web Components can be unit tested with the Jest framework Lightning Platform provides wrapper libraries for Jasmine and Mocha.
Developer Console :
LWC not possible to develop in the Developer Console.Requires below installation.
  • Salesforce CLI
  • VS Code Salesforce Extension Pack
Can be developed in “Developer Console” And also with below
  • Salesforce CLI
  • VS Code Salesforce Extension Pack
Bundle Files :
Resource Type LWC Aura
Markup .html
Note :For service components or libraries not required this filex,For UI components this is must.
Controller .js
Note :There is a single file of javascript handles all in LWC.
Helper NA .js
Renderer NA .js
Note : If required can be added not part of the default bundle files
Documentation Not available currently .auradoc
Design .js-meta.xml .design
SVG Not available as separate file,Can be achieved as seperate .html file .svg
.html code component reference
  • kebab-case style
  • Closing tag must
  • camelCase style
  • Self closing allowed
Mix of LWC & Aura components :
Lightning Web Components do not allow containing Aura components.

Note :
Aura and LWC can be able to communicate using Public API’s and Events.
Aura Components allowed to contain Lightning Web Components & Aura components should be parent.

Thanks to my dear friend Swati Thakur,Helping in the table formatting

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Salesforce CPQ Installation

1. Please click on the below link

2. Navigate to the bottom "Package Installation Links" & Select click on the Salesforce CPQ latest version of Installation Link.

3. The developer version is production and enter the login credentials for successful login.

Note : If this is not working,Try to login in incognito window and copy the url and enter the link into incognito window and login.

4.Select the users & Click on Install.
For developer version can install for all the users.That will change in real time scenario.

5.While installing if it takes time it will send an email notification for registered id after installation.

6.After successful installation ,Navigate to the Setup --> Installed Packages --> Salesforce CPQ

Thursday 2 July 2020

GIT PR Creation - Git Access Issues & Fixes

Steps For PR (Pull Request) Creation  

Login to GitHub
If you are using Okta SSO,Login to Okta  and login to Git
Reset your name & Email
Note : May not require always, But in case
If you are working with specific client git access the commit should be with the client provided name and email
$ git config --global "Deepika KM"
$ git config --global
Clone :
The branch code which you would like to take as base
Ex: Master Branch
1.Create a local folder where you would like to clone the code from Git
2.Open Command Prompt Change directory to that folder. Ex: CD C/TestProj
3.Enter the below git command to clone
    git clone <Your branch>
Issue Number :
Create a new issue number for every requirement /defect which would like to track and upload the code to git.
1.Click on New Issue button provide title and description
Ex: Title = <Release Name> <Story/Defect Number>
 Desc = <Provide the link of that story /defect according to your project where you maintain>
Ex: 3000 is the issue number get generates
Branch Creation :
Best practice is to suffix the issue number, So that its easy to look up to the requirement for which this code is been created
1.After you clone the code to local folder can see a parent folder under which all the code would have downloaded.[Ex: aura, classes, components etc..]
2.Change the directory path to that folder before executing the git command
3.Command :
git branch <Release Name –Story Number>#<Issue Number >
Ex: git branch JanRelease-STY-01001#3000
Git Push vs Git Push Origin :Both used to push local changes to git repository
Git Push: Where remote repository already defined and have single repository can use this command.
Git Push Origin :If need to push to the specific repository this will be useful where we have multiple repositories.
git push
git push origin JanRelease-STY-01001#3000
Get latest changes from git repository to local
git pull
Used to get the latest code from repository to local
Checkout Branch
git checkout <Release Name –Story Number>#<Issue Number >
Ex: git checkout JanRelease-STY-01001#3000
Verify the status: Which shows if any files got modified in local and not present in git repository
git status
Code Compare & Merge the latest changes to the files.
Note : Please follow the best practice to add the comments for the code change w.r.t the story or defect.
Commit Code  & Push to specific repository
git commit -a -m “uploading changes w.r.t STY-01001,Issue #3000”
git push --set-upstream origin JanRelease-STY-01001#3000
Note : on success you can see the commit details in the Git UI
New Files:
Then 1st add all files and commit
git add –all
git commit -a -m “uploading changes w.r.t STY-01001,Issue #3000”
git push --set-upstream origin JanRelease-STY-01001#3000
Note : on success you can see the commit details in the Git UI
PR - Pull Request : Pull requests let you tell others about changes you've pushed to a GitHub repository. Once a pull request is sent, interested parties can review the set of changes, discuss potential modifications, and even push follow-up commits if necessary.
Create a PR request for this branch using the same issue number mentioned above.
Note : rebase to the specific branch SIT/UAT /Master w.r.t your project.
Other Steps:
Assign to yourself
Select reviewers à Request
Select label à Which Release

 Issues -Fixes :

1.fatal: unable to access '': SSL certificate problem:
self signed certificate in certificate chain.
git config --global http.sslVerify false

Enter above link in browser and login ,Once you accept the above and give below
command it will clone

3.RPC failed; HTTP 503 curl 22 The requested URL returned error: 503
Verify any firewall,Disable the firewall to connect the client

4.fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Change the directory to sfdc of the cloned folder

5.How to know your git user and email ?
Commands :
git config --global --list
Individually can use below as well
git config
git config

6. fatal: --local can only be used inside a git repository ?
Change the directory to the project where you have ".github" folder.

7. How to config two different git repo with different credentials in one system?
Ex: 1 with company credentials & 2nd with personal credentials ?
git config --local  --list
git config --local "xyz"
config --local ""

8. How to get one commit changes to other branch ?
Ex: You created a feature branch due to some issues you need to delete that branch and on the latest main branch code re commit your changes ,So instead of staging the changes in each file can use cherry pick git command to fetch that commit specific changes to your new feature branch.
git cherry-pick <Commit Id>