Sunday 26 February 2023

LWC - Troubleshooting And Solutions

1. Lightning Web Component is not coming up in the quick options dropdown for selection ? 
1. Verify "is Exposed" Ture 
2. Verify Record Action is added 
3. Verify the Api version, Should be latest --> Ex : If it is 46 it will not come in the selection list, Changed to 52 its coming up.

2. Quick action coming with empty image ?
In the highlight panel select the corresponding icon for the action
Select icons from below
standard:case , standard:client

3. LWC component's @wire target property or method threw an error during value provisioning. Original error [<X> is not defined] ?
If you created a method and that is been called part of the @wire method then you might have forgot to add "this".
Ex: callMethod() Instead it should be this.callMethod() in @wire method otherwise it gives you error like above.